I had never been to ECI Cultuurfabriek, first because it is not nearly close to my home and second I do not know how long they are transferred into this setting for film, shows and bars. Cultuurfabriek is Dutch and stands for Culture factory: and a factory it is. Upon arrival signs tell me that my car will be tugged away and finding the entrance is also not as simple as it sounds, but inside the place looks very nice. Since the hall was not yet opened upon my arrival I had a Dutch culinair highlight in the bar Broodje Kroket with a beer. Soon I found out that the informed start of 1800 hrs on the internet would not be met. When some half hour later the reserved table in the corner turned out to be reserved for dinner by Fates Warning a quick calculation made it clear that I would not return home in time to see the last 15 minutes of Fluminense's championship match. When fifteen minutes later also the support band entered for dinner even the after match interviews went down the drain. I guess that is where my part of rock and roll lifestyle begins and ends I sometimes have to drive 200 km home and miss planned schedules. Question is if I would have taken the drive also if I knew that the band would start at 20:30 instead of 18:00 hrs. Of Course I would, We are talking Fates Warning here: Founders of the progmetal genre and owners of the best back catalogue there is around.

So before the show started at 20:30 we were warmed up by local band SpiralCove. That band was nice enough, but in my view (read the drive home) not really necessary. Before Fates Warning started one could already conclude that yet again the place was far too empty for the class of the band. After my recent visits to Lillian Axe, Headspace/Haken and Leprous, this seems unfortunately enough to become the norm. Very sad indeed and how are these bands ever able to continue bringing us the music we love. Since Hans and Mary decided to see the Hengelo show two days earlier I already knew that over there it was pretty much the same. So on behalf of myself a deep apology to the bands that play for half empty places. Crisis? Too many shows? Too little time, whatever the excuse I hope matters shall improve.
But I shall not complain, since to me everytime I get the chance of seeing Fates Warning play live to me is Another Perfect Day. Main problem for their shows is that they have too many good songs to fit in one and a half hour. I would love to see them doing a Marillion type of weekend where they play three nights in a row all different songs, but too small audiences and the number of lyrics shall make this impossible to happen any day soon. The set opened with the proven succesfull trio Disconnected/One/Life in Still Water. But as from A Pleasant Shade of Gray Part III the set became slightly new and a very good APSOG medley was played. Interesting to see that a Dutch audience was not tempted to sing Zugabe along. and ending by the heavy part XI I actually hoped for the beautifull part XII to end the medley. Unfortunately this was not the case and show build-up explained why, since the epic of all Progmetal epics the Eleventh Hour came next. This would not fit well after part XII and is probably their only song I would really hate to miss in a live set..With the automatic Point of View following it became time for their new song. Earlier this year I was in lucky enough to be in Sao Paulo on the legendary 14 April show (due to Mike Portnoy participation and even more due to Queensryche's cooling down show after their blast) I never saw as many camera's filming the full show as on that evening. This night in Roermond it was the opposite. Whenever a camera appeared a lightflash took care that the filming stopped. Main reason would be their new song Firefly. This seemed a pretty heavy song, but as usual shall need some listens before sinking in. But the best news is that a new album now certainly seems to be coming our way and already curious if it shall be another Classic Album or just very very good.
Around this time in the show and increasing bassy zoom started taking part of the show. I could still enjoy whatever note was played, but especialy the crew got upset and the band must have been disturbed in a way as well ("What's going on?") We did get more great songs with some hits (Eye too Eye, Another Perfect Day) and some surpises (Ivory Tower, Island in the Stream) Closer was Still Remains and off they went after this very short European Tour.
A word of thanks to Roger, who according to the band was responsible for them coming over. Hopefully by now they are back in the studio already and the new album is released somewhere first half 2013. That would make them the perfect headliner for Progpower 2013 promoting new songs to a larger crowd..