Saturday, 1 February 2025

Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench & Mancuerda - Musicon The Hague, 31 January 2025

Friday night is metal night in Musicon and mostly we get Death Metal over the last years. This evening Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench attracted many people to Musicon as it seemed almost a full house while half of Holland is sick at home with fever. Good to see that metal is still alive and well when Death.

Openers tonight were local combo Mancuerda. They are playing frequently lately and if you have  a mild interest in Death Metal and live in greater The Hague you must have bumped into them a few times over the past year. Mancuerda play heavy and slow and doomy while spitting out their gory lyrics. I could see that they play a lot lately, as they seemed tight. They came to open and warm us up and that is what they did again.

Pungent Stench are from Austria and formed in the late eighties. Now I only started appreciating death metal and grunts in the late nineties, so I missed them all together. I only recognized the famous cover of their second album with the two old men kissing intense. That picture was also available on T-shirt like more Pungent Stench album covers. Interesting as the band are no longer allowed to play under the name Pungent Stench resulting in the weird name Schirenc Plays. The trio gave us a long set going through their whole discography I assume. Their death metal was a bit more varied and I quite liked it. Halfway the set we were told that this was the first show of the new drummer with the band. They hit jackpot it seems as everyone was impressed most with the drumming tonight. A good band touring this weekend through The Netherlands still, so go see them if they come near you.

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