Sunday 13 October 2024

Loud & Heavy Fest - Musicon The Hague, 12 October 2024

Saturday 12 October and I was in doubt. Lots of great options on the live front. Y&T 50 sold out, Threshold going through their career and Kamelot, well no real option to me. So in the end I opted for Musicon as support your local scene and Ralf, plus Threshold having a substitute vocalist.I could also say I choose for gezellig, but musically there was a wide variation at the heavier end. Therefore when Marko picked me up at home we were looking forward to  a good day in Musicon yet again where White Room Reviews were celebrating 15 years of existence. 

First band were Nox aeterna from Spijkenisse. They exist over 20 years, but I never saw them before. Well that was a miss as their melodeath sounded pretty fine and at the end of the day I was not the only one mentioning them among the highlights of the day. A promising start to say the least.

And then it was time for the first gig by Scream Bloody Death. Now I first must admit that Death came too early in time for me. When they broke through I wanted my vocalists to sound like Dio, Tate, Dickinson, Midnight and the likes. I only started accepted Death metal aroud the change of the century. By Death I only hold their Human album a sI loved Cynic and picked that one up for the Sean and Paul participation. Further I am not the biggest fan of cover and tribute bands, but than I am more thinking of the zillionth band covering Genesis, Floyd, Led Zep or so. This was different as Death is not covered often and with me not knowing their material through and through I could not tell if any mistakes occured or vocals went off pitch. What I could tell is that this was just a very good band were all instruments shone and  guitar solos were swapped in equal terms. Headed by Ben who is mr Florida Death Metal in The Hague anyway. Finally when your wife rules the pit facepainted in her own blood (not all that voluntary) the word dedication comes to mind. A very fine show that was appreciated by all in Musicon. Maybe I should dive into Death history after all.

Next on where Ten Ton John the other band drawing a crowd of friends and family making Musicon nicely packed this day. I saw them before during the all seated corona shows.At the time I had trouble in describing them. Now I still do, but groove comes closest. I could see that made some mileage on stage since as they improved to me. Lively presentation too.

Now a tiny apology to Man as Plague. My knee is still not fully recorverd and old men Marko and I decided to have a Chinese meal inbetween, opting to skip a band we can see again over the foreigners. So while the program stated missing is no option, that's what we did. They replaced Anatomy of I, who had to cancel due to injury. Pity as I liked their first CD and saw them live in good form too before.

After our dinner break the band with the hardest to read logo Terra Builder from Germany. They must have thought that Loud & Heavy wanted matters to be Loud & Heavy. One blur of energetic noise came over us. For me a bit too much over the heavy top. With a show this energetic they also followed the rule of the day, bands not using their allowed time slot in full.

Closing of the day came from Belgium. The country that spits outr good bands in high rate the past decade. Triagone are from Brussels and their logo and T-shirts screamed Tech Death. Now that is the extreme style in metal I mostly like on stage. Turned out that Triagone only have released one EP. This young lot showed they can play and their female vocalists screamed and grunted enthusiastically. For me the ingredients are there to become a great band, but tonight missed to some variation in both vocal and instrumetal areas.An interesting finish too when band called it a day, took a selfie with the crowd and started packing. This only to unpack hereafter and give a half empty Musicon an extra song, which was a repeat really. So thanks to Ralf and all involved at WRR and Musicon for a pleasant day in Musicon. Pity the bicycle ride home was through rain and storm as if t is autumn.

Monday 7 October 2024

Progpower 2024 Sjiwa Baarlo, 4-6 October

The first weekend of October means for many their annual pilgrimage or hadj to Baarlo. This not to celebrate a violent imaginary friend (guess who was proudly wearing his Atheist T-shirt this weekend, not talking about Rune here), but worshipping the beauty of progmetal in all it’s forms and shapes. This year for us would be differnet though as half of our Compostela de Santago or Mekka disapeared. Since the mid 2000’s we always stayed at the campsite de Berckt. Run by the dubiuos man who became a Dutch TV personality for reasons noone understands. It was always a joy to stay there in spite of the state of caravans and park. Some two months before PPE the news broke that the campsite was finally shut down by authorities. Now we have a tradion to keep, so taking part of it from us was not only disturbing but also resulted in a race to find a new placet o stay. Helden offered the best alternative, another campsite with caravans and bicycles to rent. We this year meant twelve of us, all from the beauty that is greater The Hague.

And the festival itself this year? Well I don’t recall any year with such a diverse program. 14 bands coming out of 13 countries and 5 continents truly made this a global edition. Only Italy had the right to send us two bands this year. Not a strange choice as you realize that with Ghost on Mars and The Moor two of the more surprising progmetal albums this year came out of that country too. Another standout point was that PPE never before had so many  female vocalists in their program.  For me this year’s line-up meant that Saturday and Sunday were filled with bands I know and like in the evenings and  to me unknown bands that are getting a chance to impress or convince me in the afternoons . With 14 bands and a wide range of styles I guess noone would love all 14 bands.Before I get started on the bands one comment on te alternatives this weekend, as there were plenty. KIT Rising had a wonderful line-up again and the Britih Steel Fest in northern France had many of my old favorites billed. And than there is WTF Soen. After breaking through at Progpower, they now for the third time managed to plan their Dutch shows of a European tour during PPE weekend. This as if showing us all a giant finger. Well I guess I am not the only one who binned their CD’s and merch.Finally the sun was out and the bockbier got cold, so after our traditional opening dinner it was a now longer bicycle ride of 7km down to Sjiwa.


The opening band of the weekend were Maestrick from Brasil. Now Brasil is my second homecountry were as from 2025 I plan to spend several months per year. So extra attention was justified. Further those who remember the Thessera show on a Friday years ago (when the basement was still the Friday venue) knew that Brazilians can progmetal in style. Maestrick comes close to power metal with symphonic and progressive traces. It was soon clear that they all could play well and Fabio has a good voice. What struck a bit to me was that with this style of metal the sound should be fuller and louder than it was (or were those my earplugs) At times I could not hear all instruments or vocals all that loud. Yet in the end it was to me a satisfying opening as I stayed the full show and liked especially the song they announced as holding more Brazilian roots. That must have been the Carioca in me banging along. So we were warmed up fine and later when talking to the band I learned where I should go and see them again next year in Brasil.

Friday was headlined by the UK representation Pure Reason Revolution, one of those bands that divide opinions. For some too soft as progrock outfit on a metal weekend and to from what I saw most a welcome variation in styles. For me they had another mountain to climb as I saw them before live after they released their debut album. That night they had serious problems in following up after Polish Quidam, so I lasted only a few songs before hitting the bar. The problem is that in today’s endless stream of great releases worldwide, if this happens I stop following a band. So I never heard anything by them since, until they got booked for ProgPower Now I am a man of second chances and while listening to some clips of recent songs I would give them a fair -ish) chance to convince me. So was there improvement after 18 years? Yes to me some I guess, but not enough to last the full show. I could see that many people loved their set, so that was good, but I must admit that the older I get the heavier my musical taste gets. In progrock corners you really must be something special nowadays to keep me hooked for long (Anubis 20 October at Progfrog). Than after a few more drinks in the basement the worst was yet to come. My rental bike had no functioning lights. Still we decided to take the shortest route through the forests back to Helden. Well those 21 google maps minutes turned into an hour including getting lost, walks through sandy hills and a high fence we could not climb with bicycles. Well the traditional knakworst only tasted better when we finally made it to our trailers.


Opening the party on Saturday were Enma from The Netherlands, not Seattle. Yet they brought the grunge into the prog. I saw them before at Prognosis, but liked them (even) better now on te smaller stage of Sjiwa. A lively presentation, drums a pounding bass deciding on rhythms, two good guitars and a vocalist with voice and presentation to match. This band opened the day well and the sound was loud and clear, giving us a nice and promising start of the Saturday.

No Terror in the Bang are from France and I never heard of them until they got announced for Progpower. Usually I let bands surprise me. I listened to one or two clips at the time of announcement and than stay away from them. From what I recalled expectations were pretty high as they are not shy of mixing the extreme with their prog. The band started and on came the vocalist Sofia with long hair extensions and lots of energy. What a powerful performer she turned out to be, swithching from clean Alannis Morriset or Amy Whinehous alike vocals down to extreme in the snap of your fingers. When halfway the set she decided to take of her coat, zipped her blouse open the male part in the audience was not complaining. Well PPE is all about the music and that was fine too. A good band, only missing a bass player and more important a keyboardist. This because keyboards or piano were pretty prominent in their sound, so I prefer live over tape. Later on I learned they do have two more band members covering these instrments who unfortunately could not make it, so fair play giving us this show. All-in all I loved this band and their set. Still this music for me falls in the category, great to see, but at home on CD I doubt it works for me.

 After a French high the first Italians were coming on with Terra. Some of their dreadlocks outgrew the extensions of NTITB even, but it again is all about the music. Well that music had some starting up problems, so they kicked of 15 minutes late and gave us tribal drums. Fairly nice I thought they were, but at the end of the song  they showed being annoyed with some technical issues. In good Exciter or Triumph fashion the vocals came from behind the drums. Unfortunately this voice was a bit light and not fully my taste. So when also the feel of needing a bite came up I left after some 25 minutes and later heard that people who stayed really loved their set. Well you can’t see them all-in full, at least I can’t.


After the official diner break Apotheus would be on. Now here is where my first tiny influence on the PPE program came along. Albano plays drums with Apotheus and has a friend called Felipa. She also happens to be a friend of Josie (my lovely wife) as they worked together in Portugal. So some two years ago I got an app from Albano as he understood I was into progmetal and Apotheus wanted to look for options of playing in The Netherlands. I put them on track of the PPE link to presenting bands. Than I messaged PPE that it was a shame Portugal was a blank on the PPE history  (check Comendatio festival to see lots of good progmetal from that country) and if ever a band deserved a chance it would be Apotheus. This based upon their very strong Ergo Atlas album from 2023. Glad it all worked out and here they were. I am glad to say that when they came on I immediately loved their set. This was in reality the first band playing proper progmetal as it was meant to be for me. Miguel had a good voice and the band was tight and lively. They did put a right amount of attention to stage and merch departments too. I liked their black shirts with logo and the screens with lyrics or images passing by. Pleased that my minor intervention resulted in a show this good .


Next band were Madder Mortem from Norway. In the early years of Progpower you could fill in a form and supply bands you liked to see the next year. I remember asking for Madder Mortem as I got into them at the begin of this century. After not seeing them for many years I lost track a bit until I finally saw them live with Soen some ten years ago. So I like my Madder Mortem, but I am not up to date. So great was my joy when they played Rust Cleansing early in the set. Agnete I found a great perfromer again and the band was good. Still for me they  moved a bit too often to lower pace again. As they stated themselves hard to pin, they played blues to thank their prog audience. It turned out that for me 75 minutes was a bit much. Also my knee has not fully recovered yet and standing all day told me that sitting down was maybe a good plan. Watching a part from the bench at the side, did not help in getting involved in their set. So resuming a good set, which for me could not keep the high of Rust Cleansing throughout.


And than it was Sadist time. From Italy not the UK as the huge banner said (thanks Matt). Where yesterday PRR closed the day on the light side of prog, today Sadist came from the heaviest end. I love me some Sadist and found out that we work in 8 year circles. In 2008 I went to Stonehenge festival mainly to see Sadist. In 2016 they came to Progpower for  a first time and now 8 years later they were back (as they sometimes do).Well they came to conquer again. What a show we got with Trevor Nadir setting a new bar for off the wall presentations by vocalists. I can’t imagine anyone watching and not having to smile when he proudly showed his OSDM belly to the crowd. Meanwhile the band gave us a masterclass in Techdeath with bongo’s. I do have many of their albums, apart from the last two. Still I recognized most of the songs. Opener was possibly my favorite song by them 1000 memories. After a highly succesfull set, those not afraid of grunts wanted more, so they closed the set with 1000 memories again. I was overwhelmed by their performances and Sadist did prove that adding one tech death band to the line-up does increase the level of the overall festival.I am already looking forward to seeing them again in 2032 So a pretty damn fine Saturday ended on a high and a pubquiz was waiting organized by The Progspace. If we would have stayed at the campsite de Berckt, for sure I would have attended. Now with a hellish bicycle ride through dark forests ahead of us, I joined the others home. No mistakes this time made us find our bed surprisingly early around 01:00.



Kicking of on Sunday were Ursa. When they got annouced a took a leap of joy as I thought it was the doom offspin of sensational the Cormorant (who would fit at PPE). Turned out these bears came from Belgium. No need to worry either as the stream of strong metal bands coming out of Belgium the last years is endless. Arriving slightly late it turned out that Ursa started instrumental and later added a full time vocalist. Well almost fulltime as I liked their instrumental song best of all. A nice opener of the day they were to me, with lots of energy to properly wake us all up.


The first band ever to come out of Czech Republic to Baarlo were Ions. I did not check them out beforehand, but heard positive vibes from some who did. This band played some djenty progmetal, where the vocalist dressed in white sang fairly high over. I was a bit on the fence with them. Liked their sound, but could do with some more metal on the vocal department. Still good enough to me to watch their full set and clap my hands as sign of appreciation. No need for me to rush to the merch, but nice enough they were indeed.


Ou translates in Dutch into Auw. At least that is what I got from it. Yes it is nice to have a band from China joining PPE history, but this was far too complicated for simple me. I entered at the end of their first song and left soon after their second song started. These vocals were just outside my comfort zone and the instruments built no Chinese wall of sound either. In fairness a lot of people liked them and as I stated before you can’t like them all. Time for an early bite for us it was, as the best was yet to come.


Sunday night would bring me two bands I was looking out for lots. First were The Anchoret from Canada. Last year they released their album It All Began With Loneliness. It ranked #4 in my end of year list and #1 as best debut album of the year (so the other The Progspace voters got it all wrong). On vocals a ProgPower veteran with Heaven Cry’s Sylvan Auclair. As Andy Tillison played on the album and that man plays whatever, I thought it was him as lost UK cousin of Jonathan playing saxophone and flute. Turned out it was a taller lookalike as Sylvan later told me. Anyway the band played their full album minus Buried and showed that my high ranking of that album was no mistake. What a joy to see this band having a go at it and  seemingly effortless went through their varied album. Adding their very sympathetic presentation and a new highlight was reached for me.  Always nice when high expectations are met.


And than the band came, where all metalheads from the eighties were looking out for most: Crimson Glory. As nowadays also people under 50 are allowed to enter Sjiwa a short history lesson first. We talk the mid eighties and the term progmetal did not even exist. After the birth of first NWOBHM and later thrah metal a new wave of bands came out of the USA, whom we simply called US metal. Many of those bands released albums where Heavy Metal got mixed with Power and Progressive tendencies. The stream of classic debut albums was endless and Crimson Glory’s self titled debut was one of them. Album of the month in Aardschok, they became huge in metal Holland and Holland became huge to them. Just check their eighties shows on and you find this was basically a Dutch and German affair those days. Starting of fully masked they had at the time with Midnight one of the best vocalists around. Transcendence their second album from 1989 was a bit proggier and at leat as good as their debut. In the nineties they slightly changed style and later line-up. Astronomica from 1999 would not maintain their crazy high level from the eighties and the band split up. In 2012 they had a short revival with Todd La Torre taking care of vocals. After a great show in de Boerderij my hopes were for more new music, but than Queensryche called, even if I do not know the impact of that nor the timing. So last year a return was announced and new single Triskaideka was released with now Travis Wills on vocals. That sounded promising and with Crimson Glory playing this same weekend at Keep It True Rising I was more than a bit pleased when they also got confirmed to play at Progpower. So you young readers, please realize that Crimson Gloryr were the only band playing this weekend without whom a festival like ProgPower might never even have existed.

Still being my favorite band of the weekend does not mean others need to like them too. Luckily by adding Crimson Glory to the bill lots of eighties metal lovers who never before found their way to Sjiwa, now appeared in Baarlo. I hope some of them might return after tasting the atmosphere, but I guess we need similar bands of the era to confirm those returns. The big question was of course how would Travis be live? Comments form their performance at KIT were going several directions. Christian already stated before that with Sjiwa being smaller and better sound equiped chances of a good show were huge. Luckily he was right. After a long soundcheck and drum preparation, kicking of with Valhalla it was there where the band took me and I did not leave for 75 minutes. This was for me sheer joy. Shouting along fist pumping in the air, banging and jumping to all those classic songs of their first two albums. The two new songs played made sure I will pick that album up upon release. And Will? Well he sounded damn fine to me. Midnight was a once in a lifetime high screamer, but coming this close was good enough for me. The band were firing on all cilinders and their set flew by. One special mention to new guitarist Mark Borgmeyer. His solos were fast and furious as they should be. The original band members Ben Jackson, Dana Burnell and Jeff Lords all played like 1989 was not all that long ago. One long trip of happiness with no complaints from my side. Only today I read that in Germany they also played Burning Bridges, which is among the best semi power ballads ever written. Well you can’t win them all. For me Crimson Glory were winners of PPE 2024 by a mile and than some, but new bands can never compete with this blend of class and nostalgia. Thank you Crimson Glory and ProgPower for making this possible.

And than it was up to Caligula’s Horse to close the festival. They deserved to close the festival as they probably represent the greatest common denominator among all PPE attendees. They have a range of albums, a good history and popularity to draw a crowd. Yet for me after the Crimson Glory hype timing was not good. First I already saw this tour earlier this year at de Boerderij. Second talking about time travelling all the way back to 2015, when I just spent 75 minutes in 1986 and 1989 means little of a trip to me. So yes they were probably nice and a good closer of the festival, but I had it and left Sjiwa. Actually our whole group thought among similar lines, which brings me tot he only personal downer of PPE 2024. Duet o staying too far away from the venue I did not feel much like making extra hours in the basement bar and than cycle home on dangerous roads for over 30 minutes in a state more drunk. So instead of my usual two afterparties I did not attend one this year. And no it was not because there was no Karaoke this year, even if rumours told me that such end was caused by my performances over the past editions. Another side effect I did bump into many people who I hardly shared more than two lines with over the weekend. New chances in 2025 when edition 25 shall be celebrated. Where can I leave some suggestions? So see you without talking again next year and leaving with the deserved huge thanks to organizers and volunteers. Progpower remains Progpower a secret only known to those who once attended.

Monday 2 September 2024

Mearfest - Queenshall Nunneaton, 30 & 31 August 2024

Mearfest is truly different. This is a metal festival for charity and for keeping the spirit of Molly Mear alive. I suggest you read the page to get the full story behind the festival. I alwyas felt an immediate sympathy for the festival and it's cause as we have our own Molly named Taina who would have been 20 years old this year. So I know what Brian and Claire have been through in a way and admire how they put so much time and effort in creating this beautiful annual gathering. This year would be my third attendance at the festival after the Borderline and Slough editions before Covid.
Over the years it turned into a true underground NWOBHM event, where most of the bands I did not know in advance. This year would be not much different, but I did prepare myself for some bands after checking them out online and really loving their stuff. My first serious gig was January 1983 when I attended the Saints & Sinners tour of Whitesnake. This means that I started gigging just after NWOBHM high. Further in The Netherlands some bands that were big might have not been huge in the UK and vice versa. (Talking about Satan, Jaguar, Tokyo Blade here). So I was ready for first seeing bands and discovering others and man I would have some great discoveries indeed.
New this year was that Magchiel (that is Michael in England)  joined me on the trip. We have some traditions while gigging abroad, but more on that when Saturday comes (hinting here).

After a smooth flight, training into Nunneaton and finding our hotel we arrived in time at the  venue. This turned out to be a perfect place for a festival. Upstairs the hall with bar and merch, downstairs a proper metal pub the Crew. The Dead List were the first band of the festival. They played metal of the groovy kind and sounded more American to me. Luckily the voice spoke and sung in English. Warming us up was their task and so they did.

When a band is called Spreading the Disease one hopes for Thrash metal. After all it is Anthrax' best album. Well again I was put on a wrong foot,as this was possibly the heaviest band on the bill, at least in the vocal department. More groovy metal again I was ready for some NWOBHM by now.

Well my wishes were heard as Seventh Son was one blowing their NWOBHM over us in great fashion. Formed in 1980 I did not know them in the eighties. Those days either you bought an album or a friend of you did, otherwise you would miss bands. The best alternative would being played on Stampij radio's metal show. None of the above I believe and boy did I miss out. This band brought the first very highlight of the festival. In advance I could not find music by them, now got A CD and an EP to correct that. With darkness ruling over the merch area I did not realize their See Emily Play T-shirt is awesome. So that stays for a next show, as I will see this lot again, even if they stated noone wants to invite them to play live apart from Mearfest, This show alone was worth the whole trip and so much highs were still to follow.

What to think of Cloven Hoof for starters. They now have Harry The Tyrant Conklin on vocals on their latest album Heathen Cross (awesome btw). I believe this was their first ever show in the new line-up. I saw Cloven Hoof before, but with the Tyrant singing songs like Nova Battlestar, Astral Rider or Crack the Whip they upped their game. Actually this line-up was very strong as the young solo guitarist gave us some very spicy solos throughout. You could see that main man Lee Payne was pleased with the band too and they played on and on. I believe some 100 minutes we got and they did not even get to play their "hit" Laying Down the Law. A very nice end of the Friday night, after which we returned to hotel fast, tired of trip and metal.

Saturday morning at breakfast it turned out that we were not the only ones staying at The Chase Hotel. Even Brian and Claire were around at breakfast as many people from the crowd. Talking about the same, this year it was rather international, more so than previous versions I attended. With fans from Belgium, Germany, Sweden and even the USA around this was an internatoional celebration. Now it was Saturday and Magchiel and I have a tradition that day. When going for metal to the UK, we try to combine the trip with a football match in the region. I am a Gashead ever since attending Stampede in Bristol. Now the festival started early and for me music beats football, Magchiel was not liking the foresight of standing 12 hours on his legs, so he opted for football. Got himself a ticket for Leicester - Aston Villa after which our ways parted till the evening. 

Clientelle opened the day, an acoustic duo. Now I am not that much into acoustic sessions by bands, but this turned out to be a very pleasant opening. guitar and (very good) vocals bringing us 30 minutes of music. I don't take notes during shows, but the finale was great when Rock and Roll woman was sung, moaning and bitching when she does not get what she wants (or something along those lines). 

Next band were General Jack and I found the trend for the Saturday. All bands would have good if not great vocalists. Here there rock was not too heavy, but still very pleasant to my ears. Their T-shirts were in strong liquor style, but meanwhile I fell in love with Belhaven Black in the Crew. Actually a second theme of the day now became clear as well. Where is te drummer. The huge drumset blocking centre stage at the back turned out to be from Thunderstick today's headliners. This meant all day the other drummers were sat in a corner behind the band. I guess no other solution could be found, but sad for the drummers today I felt.

Slander were another new band to me and wow they blow me away. They were formed in 1990. Their Heavy metal is heavy with a bite and their presentation was lively and dragging you into their show if you wanted or not. This is exactly what I love about this festival, making new discoveries. For me Slander came, metalled and conquered at least one new fan. The vocalist Whitty did win the price for the most alive presentation to me. This band played so tight and bulldozering onwards that their 40 minutes or so flew by. I thankfully picked up their two CD's and playing one now.

Due to a late arrival of another band Tröjan would be next. Now I was looking very much forward to them as I recently bought the box the complete Tröjan and Taliön recordings '84 - '90. Their NWOBHM is off the fast and furious kind. Well expectations might have been high, but Tröjan had no issues in meeting them, if not surpassing. This is exactly the kind of metal I love. Fast guitars, strong solo's and good vocals over it all. My only worries after this set were if I had seen the best of the day with the double Slander/Tröjan and it would be downwards from here. Well the first a definitely maybe, but the second a gladly no. I proudly wore my Tröjan Tee on the flight back home. 

Rhabstallion were on next and when I recently ordered some CD's I found they just released a new album Bat Shit Crazy and added it to my order. Their music is more mid tempo, but again vocals are very nice. This band rocked on, to a slihtly emptier hall due to fatigue and needed food breaks  I guess. I liked their set focussing a lot on their new album and they did bring the most varied Tees in red blue and even pink available. As I promised Josie not to bring five shirts again I passed.

The next band would be yet another very positive surprise. Overdrive formed in 1977, but some band members were at the time a blink in their grandfather's eye. This meant a mix of older and younger band members, but what a perfect mix they made. A great vocalist gave us even a ballad he hates and the band were steaming hereafter. As guitarist Tracey also played with Wicthfynde back in the day, the set was closed with Give 'em Hell. A highlight of the day for the nostalgics among us. On the merch front I made a mistake here. I intended to pick up their new CD, but did not do so immediately, as I needed another Belhaven Black first. Then the footy was on and when I remembered some two hours later their merch had left the building. Great band though so hoping to seeing them again.

If Mearfest holds one houseband they must be GanG from France. Even if not teh full band I saw their vocalist on stage in Slough and they played as a band before too. Now I was suffering from a food need a bot, so they were the band I did not see in full. Thei rheavy metal sounded good and tight , but the falafel wrap from across the street won after a while.

Sacrilege are a weird one for me. They often come to Holland, but never when I get the chance to see them. 2024 shall be no different as I am at Progpower when they play Eindhoven. In England I did see them two times before at Mearfest and at The Rock Den. A strong band who now had two new members. Well that did not mean they got less good as the professor on guitars soloed away while on fire. The band was very good and they even wrote a song about Mearfest which was played of course. Good seeing them on stage again. The battle jacket Bill won at the Raffle fit him well.

Saturday did not have one, but two special guests and I was very much looking forward to the second one Gypsy's Kiss. The top of the Iron Maiden family tree (Steve Harris co founded the band) are celebrating 50 years of existence (Fok me, you look far too young for that). I checked them out, found some clips online and ordered 74 and Heat Crazed Vole hereafter. So I knew their songs and was curious how their mid paced rock would come over alive. Well that was yet another feast and the final highlight to me of this Mearfest. A great band that came over sympathetic on stage and later on in the hall. Enough dry English humor inbetween songs made this one great feats to me. On you can find no songs on any of the bands that played (audience too old for that) but I remeber great versions of Smoke and Mirrors, Better than Me and Heat Crazed Vole at least. They also had keyboards on stage you could actually hear. 50 years of existence (wit ha  40 year break) and still sounding very fine, I loved this set.

Headliner on the Saturday were Thunderstick. When hearing that name I think of Samson. I did not know any music by the band Thunderstick  really. Before they kicked off the huge drumset was hidden as many attributes and gates were to be placed still. When they came on, a few things stood out. Lots of attributes really. The first female vocalist of the festival, but the colourfull clothing and many attributes made this a show too watch possibly more than to hear. The vocalist at one point even got sawn into half, to recover fully later on. Clothes were changed and the spectacle was there to watch, but the songs were missing  a bit of a punch for me. So Thunderstick are more a band to watch, than to listen to on CD, at least to me. With the circus going on, they were an appropiate ending of a very succesfull Mearfest. Well not acomplete ending as in the Crew a metal cover band would give us Maiden, Saxon Leppard, AC/DC and more still. Such a fine festival came to an end closing down over breakfast the next morning. I can't express thanks and admiration to Claire and Brian for pulling this off in such a fine way again. Very pleased with some great new discoveries and proven highlights of bands I knew in advance I believe the only aim can be returning in 2025.

Monday 26 August 2024

Warlord & Killer - Mezz Breda, 25 August 2024

40 years ago I bought an LP which was a live album, but videoetaped without an audience. By lenght it was more of an EP nowadays. That album was And The Cannons Of Destruction Have Begun.... I loved it then and I still love it now. Through the years Warlord came and went and every now and then released a new album. I picked up most of their discography over time, but seeing them live on stage just would not happen to me. That was until last night when Mario managed to get them making a Dutch live debut 40 years after their first full album. In 2021 Warlord sadly lost their guitaris and founding member Bill Tsamis. I thought that was the last we would hear from Warlord, but than this year suddenly a new album was released with songs based upon riffs Bill had left behind and songs he wrote in the past: Free Spirit Soar. Than a tour was announced which included their first ever Dutch show. Now I did know I needed to see this. So did Magchiel and Ton and off to Breda we went. I offered to be bob (designated driver) this time as trains back showed delays due to works on the line 

Arriving well in time, we bumped into many known faces, with Vito as surprise, who probably drove 200 meters behind us from The Hague to Breda. Maybe I should start an app, where people can share rides to shows. Anyway opening band were Killer from Belgium. Killer are also from the eighties and this power trio does play music not miles apart from Motorhead. Now I saw Killer a few times before over the past years. I remember liking them the first time quite a bit, but tonight not as much. Our collective memories brought up, that they once supported Jag Panzer in Baroeg, where we were present. At the time 3rd band of the day (several beers down the line) I thought them to be OK. Tonight as designated driver almost trembling by lack of alcohol I was not so much impressed. Their music is very straightforward and the final song announcement asking a hall filled with bold and grey men if they liked, alcohol, sex and heavy metal was crinching our toes. Well at least woke passed them by, which is good I think for eighties metal.

Another short break brought us, what we all came to see in a decent filled Mezz. Bad Company was the intro tape and then it al kicked off with Lucifer's Hammer. That did sound good and we would be in for a treat. For those not knowing the band, Warlord are among the founding members of power metal, progmetal and folk metal alike. Their songs are build around guitar melodies. more than riffs. So every song brought the duo of Diego Pires (do Salvador, Brasil abraços) and Eric Juris centre stage for their twin soloing. Even if they could have varied presentation a bit, I loved their playing and the fact that we got two guitars made the sound a bit thicker than on album. 

The setlist took us from one highlight to the other where maybe personal highlights came in Mrs. Victoria, the horror story proving that killing your annoying granny is not the solution and Black Mass the doomy fest. Closer to the end someone tipped my shoulder. It was Frank with beer in hand for me. He just arrived very late as his train delayed two hours (!) due to problems with a train before him. Designated driver or not one beer is ok when sharing his pain. Again the ride sharing app would make sense.

During War in Heaven I realized how Warlord do manage giving us a song with calmer intro and outro filled with epicness in five minutes. Nowadays a certain Iron Maiden takes 11/12 minutes to tell the same, Twin guitars ruled the night, but Mark Zonder on drums and Philip Bynoe on bass were very tight throughout. A new A-Z album with both of them is on the way hurrah. I thought it a pity that the stage was too big in Mezz and Mark Zonder was far behind the action centre stage. .Jimmy Waldo was hidden in smoke and hard to hear most of the time. Than finally Giles Lavery on vocals should be mentioned. I believe all five albusm I own hold different vocalists. He managed to sing equal to all of them from the soft introductions to the heavy metal screams way high up. Interesting enough the new album he sings on was not included in the set. Possibly the best was saved for last, when Deliver Us From Evil and Child of the Damned were played to close the night. Another great evening of live music in this month that already gave me so many highlights. Thanks to Warlord, Mario and all Mezz people involved for this debut after 40 years.

Friday 16 August 2024

Ard - Cloven Hoof - Daath - Disgrace and Terror - Octoploid - Rhabstallion - Transit Method - Witherfall

This summer brought me new CD's too. Here are same you might want to check out.

Ard - Untouched by Fire
In 2022 Ard came to us with a stunning debut Take Up My Bones. Stunning mostly as in original. Mark Deeks known from Winterfylleth went solo and doom. His music holds male choirs, very calm rhythms and heavy undertones. Most important is his storytelling as he obviously knows a lot about Northumbrian history. So his debut album overwhelmed me, what does Untouched by Fire do? I still love the album, but I am already curious what he does next. A bit like Zeal & Ardour. After two highly original new mixes of styles you need to develop. For now I like this hstory lesson and hope not to miss hime when he comes to Holland next time.

Cloven Hoof - Heathen Cross
Now here's a surprise. Cloven Hoof are 45 years old and debuted in 1984 with their first LP. Over the past decades their vocalists did a Spinal Tap drummerÅ› caroussel. The surprise is that this time Harry (the Tyrant) Conklin takes care of vocals. This results in one of the best Heavy Metal albums of the year, including the necessary high screams. After an instrumental opener Redeemer kicks of in perfect fashion. Lee Payne is the original band member metalling the band forward. He managed a strong line-up on this record and it must be among their best even if I don know all albums. Today in two weeks they headline Mearfest FlameÅ› Friday night. One to look out for already.

Daath - The Deceivers
Daath released twenty years ago their debut album, but I never dug into the band. That changed when in an interview I read they now have Rafael Trujillo on guitars. My Obsidious alarm bells went ringing immediately. Rafael proved on record and on stage to be among the very best in Tech-Death. So I checked out some clips of this album and ordered thereafter. This is great Tech-Death with melodies always nearby due to great guitars. Talking about guitars Jeff Loomis and Per Nilsson guest too on this one, need I say more?

Disgrace and Terror - The True Will of Evil
Disgrace and Terror or from Pará or Belem to be more precise. That means we get some northern Braziliain death thrash metal here. I picked up their album after seeing them live in Lazarus some months ago. So they are Brazilian and they do sound Brazilian to me. That means dirty, fast and menacing metal in the fast mode. Live they managed to pull these speeds of very well, so a return to Holland shall make me be there. Laus Satanus.

Octoploid - Beyond the Aeons
Olli Pekka Laine decided to start an all star mainly Finnish melodeath project, or is it a band? He is known from Amorphis by Lida, but I was more interested that with his Barren Earth background too he asked Jon Aldera as well to sing on a song. Most vocals (3 songs) however are coming from Mikko Kotamaki of Swallow the Sun fame. With six vocalists involved the album sounds surprisingly cohesive. This must be because Finnish Melodeath is the basis of all songs. Not sure if this lot will ever tour, but this album is recommended also due to spacy mixes on cover and at times in the music.

Rhabstallion - Bat Shit Crazy
Mearfest is coming soon and I did prepare myself for the older bands on the bill. Rhabstallion is typically a band I never heard of in the early eighties. They released three demoÅ› and one single at the time. In 1994 a compilation CD was released  Day to Day and when hearing that on Youtube I went looking for it at shops onliine. Than I bumped into this 2024 release. So I started with their current line-up, sound and album. Rhabstallion are one of them reformed bands who actually sound pretty good still. OK they shall not surprise you with their sound, as they do play NWOBHM after all these years.. Yet I like the songs and performances, curious how they will sound live.

Transit Method - Othervoid
I don't remember how and when I bumped into Transit Method. This band from Austin Texas sounded to me immediately as if The Offspring would play progmetal, with at times notches to Voivod  too. Catchy as Monkeypox 1 and musically still very interesting. So I did check their bandcamp page and found they printed 100 digipack CD's. Problem is that they broke my rule of shipping costs being 150% of the CD price. Luckily we had visitors from Texas staying with us last month, so here I am, possibly the only holder of a Transit Method CD in Europe. If you like catchy. punky progmetal tunes that make you smile, check these guys out.

Witherfall - Sounds of the Forgotten
Witherfall are among the best new bands of the past decade. I follow them since 2017 debut Nocturnes and Requiems. They play a blend of Us Metal with progressive, power and heavy metal traces within. Jospeh Michael is among the best voices in current metal and Jake Dreyer is one of the current guitar heroes in heavy metal. So this double guarantees the sound of the band. On Sounds of the Forgotten they open fast and furious, but the album further holds lots of calmer intermezzos to full songs. We all know what we miss by them and that is a headlining tour through Europe. With now 4 full lenghts and one EP of the highest level it shall be hard to decide on a setlist. Bring it on I say and I will be there.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Exumer, Hirax, Headless Hunter, Cerebral Invasion & Lark - Musicon The Hague, 14 August 2024

On a Wednesday night we were treated on no less than five bands. While originally we would get a triple thrash attack, suddenly we got two additional bands, playing very different styles. Result was an early dinner needed if you like to see the first band too.

Lark came from Poland and as their vocalsist stated that is a twelve day walk away. Assume they came by car, but their hardrock made little waves in Musicon. Never easy to start at 18:30 on a weekday, but this rock was too calm compared with what came after. All four could play and sing, but their songs did not stick all that much. Their own drumset at the side of the stage was taken off fast afterwards, making one of the fastest stageswaps ever possible.

Next band Cerebral Invasion were from Germany, but the looked more Latin American. Especially the vocalist looked a lot like Raphael from Imperador Belial. Unfortunately he had a cold, but lots of water got him through the set. Also one guitarist went missing. The thrash metal played by this lot sounded very death metal. I had the impression that they improved throughout their set, or warmed up maybe. Decent not shocking to me they were.

The original support act came up next and what a band they turned out to be. Headless Hunter have been playing around the country for a while now, but I missed them both at Roosendaal Open Air (too late) and Metal Experience (train strike) last year. This young band is definitely among the new hopes for Dutch thrash metal. A very lively set, brought enthusiastic and the audience reacting accordingly. I had the impression they brought quite a few friends along too. One to look out for in the future.

Upon arrival we learned that Hirax had missed the boat from England. Luckily with three openers they still arrived on time. Actually I expected them to close the evening, but bands decided different. When Hirax kicked off we soon could see that we got one of the Musicon highlights of 2024 on stage. What a presentation and positive energy was coming off the stage. Katon de Pena is a superb frontman getting all involved in the show. The band themselves all excel at their instruments and are as much adding to the fun. They did not have  a long set, but with their short and furious songs we got many  songs still. This show flew by and was a high from start to Bombs of Death. Typically one of those bands that could have should have been bigger. Now highly appreciated in the underground.

So after Hirax Exumer would close the evening. Following up after such a high is hard and turned a bridge too far for Exumer too. Not saying that their set was not good and engaging really. Just not reaching the level of what came just before. Still their journey through four decades of thrash metal went down well enough. A decent closure of one fine evening in Musicon, so thanks to all involved.