Sunday, 23 February 2025

Popradar Winterfest - Popradar The Hague, 22 February 2025

Popradar the location where many bands practice and where in winter a Winterfest is held. In the past I remember a busy evening with the big hall hosting a few hundred people watching Rosie. After corona it scaled down, but still some 35 bands performing all over the place. The place was next to the cafe also many practice rooms. So no stage and limited space. If you than add the many young people walking around, the smell of sweat was omnipresent in most rooms. Temperatures at times would be increasing as well. Adding the limited beer selling points and I did not make it to the end.

I came in early as I was interetsed in starting with an old-skool metal set by Edsattic. Turned out they pulled out at the last moment. Now first band became Riders of the Cameltoe a young band playing metal with a vocalist still stuck on the train. Thereafter the only band I really wanted to see was Scream Bloody Death. Their second show after playing Musicon last year at one of Ralf's parties. Now I don't own the first Death albums, so I just hear good songs performed by a good band.  I did not have those feelings that audience member (Koen) and bandmember (Rob) shared afterwards on details going wrong from the original albums. Since the program meant a two hour stop in this room they extended their 40 minute set to an hour. Next time they play it is Musicon again and I might well be around (depending on Zeehelden line-up the same evening). Hereafter I wandered around a bit seeing bits and pieces of a punkrock band and a vocalist in the Allanis Morriset vein. I was actually waiting for doom metal of Solace. However when the band Obscure Reality did not do much to me with their Faith No More inspired set I decided to go home. So a different evening in busy Popradar, which I quit halfway.

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