Thursday 25 April 2024

Bruce Dickinson - The Moor - Out of Darkness

Some more CD's I bought over the past weeks/months  which you might have to check out too.

Bruce Dickinson: The Mandrake Project
Are either Iron Maiden or Bruce Dickinson going to surprise us completely ever again? probably not. Still after seeing clips of Afterglow of Ragnarok and Rain on the Graves I knew I would pick up this CD. Respect for Bruce after recovering from cancer delivering such strong vocal performances first with Maiden and now also solo. Solo this is as the album was written and recorded with his mate Roy Z alone. Comparing Bruce solo with Maiden might go in favour of his solo work at the moment. I believe a bit more variation in both the songs and his vocal performance. All that is to be said on this album and the comic book that I don't have has been written when I come so late to the party. Still I bought this album as I am considering going to see him live in 013. In the nineties I saw Bruce touring Balls to Picasso in a not sold out Paradiso (the nineties were shite for metal) and Accident of Birth in Rio. That is 27 years ago, so about time for a new show I'd say.

The Moor: Ombra
A band called The Moor immediately brings Opeth to mind. And yes in a way they are treading Opeth territories. But if I should go for name dropping at times they remind me more of Disillusion and Green Carnation. They go for progressive metal with an occassional grunt and haunting melodies of darkish rock. The second tip of this abum comes from the title: Ombra. Yes, The Moor are Italians and come from Venice, the city that introduced today access passes for tourists. I do own their 2012 debut Year of the Hunger, but missed the 2018 Jupiter's Immigrants. So they work in 6 year cycles apparently. Well taking the time does result in a beautiful album which is very worthwhile checking out. Not an overly active band on the live front so to see, but I believe a perfect PPE band.

Out of Darkness: Out of Darkness
Ton tipped me on this band as he knows I do like my Progressive Power metal bands from the USA. At times from Europe too, but Americans do it less cheesy. When checking them out on Youtube my first thougt was WTF is that beard? Taste shall never be discussed, but uncomfortable this must be. That is Eric Barrios who takes care of vocals and guitars. Most famous band member is Brent Smedley who also drummed with Iced Earth and Sons of Anarchy. On my CD Bill Staley completes the band, but on metal archives a bass player Dan Callahan is announced to be with them since 2023. This is their debut full lenght after an EP in 2020. For the music think US metal mixed with progpower bands from across the ocean. I was hooked after first hearing and shall keep on playing it through the year I'm sure. Hope these few words help them getting out of the darkness a bit, as I did not see much about them online nor on paper.


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